Explore Our Range of Khadi Cotton Shirts At Veaves, we take pride in offering a diverse collection of exquisite khadi cotton shirts that are the epitome of comfort, 

style, and sustainability. Our commitment to quality craftsmanship and eco-friendly fashion is evident in every thread of our pure khadi shirts, making them the ideal 

choice for those who appreciate authenticity and comfort.


Why Choose Khadi Cotton Shirts? 

Khadi cotton shirts are not just clothing; they are a testament to timeless elegance and a sustainable lifestyle. Handwoven with care and precision, these original

khadi shirts represent the rich heritage of India's textile industry. When you choose khadi, you opt for garments that are not only fashionable but also eco-friendly. 


Our collection offers a variety of styles, from traditional to contemporary, ensuring that you find the perfect fit for every occasion. Explore Our Collection 

Veaves presents an exclusive range of pure khadi shirts online, carefully curated to meet your fashion needs. Our shirts are not just garments; they are a 

blend of tradition and modernity, perfect for individuals who seek unique, sustainable fashion. Whether you're dressing up for a special event or looking for

everyday comfort, our khadi cotton shirts are the ideal choice. 


Why Veaves?

When you shop with us, you not only get the best of original khadi shirts but also contribute to the revival of atimeless art form and support local artisans. 

We prioritize quality, comfort, and style, ensuring that every purchase from Veaves is an investment in your wardrobe and a step towards a more sustainable future. 

Browse through our collection today and experience the elegance of khadi cotton shirts for yourself. Elevate your style while making

a positive impact on the environment by choosing Veaves. 





Is Khadi cotton pure cotton?

Yes, khadi cotton is indeed pure cotton. It is made from hand-spun and handwoven cotton fibres, producing 

a unique fabric with a slightly textured feel. Unlike mill-spun cotton, khadi cotton retains its natural impurities, 

giving it a distinctive charm and eco-friendly appeal. 


Is Khadi cotton good? 

 Khadi cotton is highly regarded for its exceptional qualities. It is breathable, lightweight, and comfortable to wear,

 making it ideal for warm climates. Its natural fibres allow for better air circulation, keeping you cool and sweat-free. 

Additionally, khadi cotton is known for its durability and resistance to wrinkles, making it a long-lasting 

and low-maintenance choice. 


Why is Khadi so expensive? 

The meticulous hand-spinning and handweaving process involved in producing khadi cotton contributes significantly 

to its higher price compared to machine-made cotton. The labour-intensive nature of the craft and the skill

 required to produce high-quality khadi justify its premium value. 


 Are cotton and khadi the same? 

While both cotton and khadi are derived from the cotton plant, they differ in their production methods. 

Regular cotton typically undergoes machine processing, including spinning, weaving, and chemical treatments. 

Khadi cotton, on the other hand, retains its natural form, hand-spun and handwoven without the use of harsh chemicals. 


Is Khadi cotton soft or hard? 

Khadi cotton is generally considered to have a slightly textured feel, not as soft as mill-spun cotton. 

However, the softness of khadi cotton can vary depending on the quality of the fibres and the spinning technique. 

With proper care and washing, khadi cotton can become softer over time.